Forgive me for using Bogie's line, but it was the first thing that came to me when I heard the news. There are three cities in the world that I consider to be MY city: San Francisco is one, because I was born and raised there. Even though I've never been to the other two, I still consider them to be MY cities-- New York, where it's always Autumn and Christmas. And Paris, where it's always Spring, and love and beauty are always in the air. To all Parisians and to all those who love Paris; especially to Marty, Arnaud, and Babzy, Je suis tellement desole.
Olá amigo,vim retribuir sua carinhosa visita ao meu cantinho. Fiquei feliz por seguir-me!!! Obrigada,volte sempre e pegue o meu selinho de agradecimento!
thank you Bill ! we all knew that something could happen (because of Syria) but nobody could say what, where and when ! it happened, so crazy, how could we imagine THAT ! sad, so sad !
I cannot find the words to express my sadness.
Beautiful image of the bird. I am sad, really sad.
Olá amigo,vim retribuir sua carinhosa visita ao meu cantinho.
Fiquei feliz por seguir-me!!!
Obrigada,volte sempre e pegue o meu selinho de agradecimento!
Beijos Marie.
thank you Bill !
we all knew that something could happen (because of Syria)
but nobody could say what, where and when !
it happened, so crazy, how could we imagine THAT !
sad, so sad !
Thank you....
Gorgeous image! I can't even wrap my head around on what happened yesterday. A very sad time.
Permita-me fazer das suas palavras, as minhas, amigo Bill!
Nem os nazistas tiveram a coragem de destruir Paris!
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