Looking the opposite direction from yesterday's picture--- Mt. St. Helens from Johnston Ridge, 39 years after the eruption...
By the way, the mountain was named for the Baron St. Helens in 1792. He was the British ambassador to Spain, and he never saw the mountain. Sharing today with Mersad's Through My Lens
It's still a beautiful mountain. I remember the eruption very well. We flew near it to take a look during the summer. Just a few hours later we saw a huge plume in the sky from Port Angeles, Washington. There was another small eruption. Even though we stayed the required distance away it would have been bad to be in the air when that happened. - Margy
Magnificent! ❤️❤️
Dramatic and lovely.
The naming? A touch odd.
Espectacular e belas tonalidades.
Um abraço e boa semana.
Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros
That is just the best. Thanks for the history
What a shame he never got to see it..such is life.
Stunning view
Awesome view Bill. Lets hope it keeps on resting. Too bad the spammers have found your bog. A few months back I had to turn on Comment Moderation.
Dramatic shot!
This is a beauty!
Love your range of mountains, fabulous.
Wow! Gorgeous view!
Hard to believe the big eruption was that long ago. Seems more recent. Wonderful photo. Not much green growth on that lava yet.
Todo un panorama abierto que muestra la grandiosidad de algunos paisajes de este planeta que tan poco y tan mal cuidamos. Un abrazo Bill.
Fabulous Pity he never saw the Mountain he named
Muy bella imagen, amigo... Me encanta su color
very beautiful
It's still a beautiful mountain. I remember the eruption very well. We flew near it to take a look during the summer. Just a few hours later we saw a huge plume in the sky from Port Angeles, Washington. There was another small eruption. Even though we stayed the required distance away it would have been bad to be in the air when that happened. - Margy
Absolutely spectacular view
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