Thursday, May 7, 2020

Gentlemen swallows hanging around looking for ladies...


Babzy.B said...

Splendid !👍

kwarkito said...

they're both perfect against that blue background. I do like this picture

Elephant's Child said...

Feathered enchantment.

Lady Fi said...


Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Sweet Sweet Capture! ❤️

Helen said...

Both impressive but will the ladies be impressed?

Margaret D said...

How lovely and I guess they found some after hanging around.

Elise said...

si proches...

Rose said...

Aren't they so, so cute!

Mikael Bergman said...

Very beautiful
wish you a nice weekend

joaquín said...

¡Qué bonitas!

Taken For Granted said...

When I was growing up we had swallows nesting in our barn, and I was always happy to see them. Not only are they beautiful, but amazingly agile in the air also.

Maria Rodrigues said...

They are so beautiful. Great shot.
Have a nice weekend and stay well

Luis Serrano said...

Impresionante Bill.
Precisas aves llenas de color y paciencia para la espera.
Un abrazo

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Very handsome gents. With colors like that, how could they not attract the ladies?

Suza said...

Fantastic Colours. The Lovely birds and the Beautiful blue Background.