Revisiting some favorite places #44: Johnston Ridge took the first blast when the mountain blew, but even after more than 40 years, you can still find the fallen trees (left). Just to the right of the tree in the foreground you can see the Toutle River, nearly 4000 feet below. The wildflowers are Indian Paintbrush.
La naturaleza es sabia y si se la deja restablece el orden natural. La foto es buena muestra el contraste de la aridez con la naturaleza renacida. Un abrazo.
This is a surreal landscape! What a great combination of flora and terrain.
Wow. Love the softening effect that the wildflowers give that dramatic landscape.
Wonderful scenes of pictures
This is another impressive landscape with its strong sunlight and shadows. Thanks for pointing out the history of this place.
Un primer plano espectacular para un paisaje grandioso
En primer plano hay una buena vegetación, con hermosas flores que saltan a la vista.
Muy buena composición, con esas montañas de fondo.
Un abrazo
Love lost of wilderness in the mountains, so good the photo.
La naturaleza es sabia y si se la deja restablece el orden natural. La foto es buena muestra el contraste de la aridez con la naturaleza renacida.
Un abrazo.
Superbes couleurs! Paysage "à galoper"....
These photos of Mt St Helens bring back so many happy memories.
Thanks for taking me back.
Desde el primer plano puede apreciarse la enorme extensión de ese bellísimo paisaje .
That's is just lovely to see with colour in foreground make it.
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