Monday, June 24, 2024

I swear, he had a big pocket watch and kept saying, "I'm Late, I'm late!" And then he disappeared down the path.



Elephant's Child said...

I hope he made that very important date...

Luis Serrano said...

Un camino que invita a adentrarse en él. Se puede escuchar el silencio y respirar el frescor. Preciosa foto Bill.
Un abrazo

Margaret D said...

Magic spot there for sure Bill. Lovely.

roentare said...

A great vanishing point in the woods

Rose said...

A perfect place to vanish..

Helen said...

And I believe you, Bill! Just beautiful.

Taken For Granted said...

Your photo is the exact setting I would expect to see a large, white rabbit with a pocket watch. Beautiful photo.

joaquín said...

Te creemos. En esos caminos todo es posible

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

ES que es muy fácil camuflarse en ese camino. Y ademáS daría gusto perderse paseando por ahí.
Un abrazo.

Mikael Bergman said...

I have experienced the same both winter and summer
it's exciting
why i don't know