Sunday, August 25, 2024

Looking into the Mt. St. Helens Caldera. The clouds come and go.



roentare said...

The mountain is so majestic. Love the cloud

Elephant's Child said...


Helen said...

It is one fascinating mountain!

Floralie said...

Hello Bill,
Comme je te l'ai déjà dit toutes tes photos sont une pure merveille, je te remercie pour ce beau partage
Belle journée
Grosses bises !

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Those of us who are old enough, remember that fateful day when the mountain exploded. It looks peaceful now.

Rose said...

This is a dramatic shot.

joaquín said...

Impresiona verlo

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Impresionante visión del monte St, Helens. Las nubes le dan un toque de misterio a la imagen.
Un abrazo.

Ananka said...

Stunning shot :-D


La magia ha entrado en la montaña, con esas nubes que aparecen y desaparecen.
Un abrazo.

Mikael Bergman said...

How beautiful it is

Luis Serrano said...

Magnífica. Una foto que impresiona.

Pierre Carrive said...

Superbe, minéral, on ne sait pas si c'est la montagne qui veut manger le nuage ou le nuage qui veut manger la montagne.

Linda W. said...

Love visiting that mountain. Nice photo!

Margaret D said...

What a beautiful imagine. Well done.

Strayer said...

What a stark beautiful landscape, with those clouds.