Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Once there was a farm...



Elephant's Child said...

I hope the farmers were happy to leave (and that they enjoyed their time there).

Margaret D said...

And a farm house perhaps, or was it just a shed. Maybe we will never know.

Margaret D said...

And a farm house perhaps, or was it just a shed. Maybe we will never know.

Rose said...

I wonder where the farmer went....

Taken For Granted said...

I have always liked the way old metal roofing rusts. It develops character with age.

joaquín said...

Lo que de ella queda es muy bonito

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Una bella toma por sus texturas y color. Me asombra la cantidad de edificaciones abandonadas que encuentras, para beneficio de los fotógrafos.
Un abrazo.


No es deamsiado grande la cabaña, pero con algún espacio para almacenar algunas cosas. Ahora abandonada, pronto llegará a su final destino.

Ananka said...

Fantastic :-D

Luis Serrano said...

Se ve el edificio un tanto deteriorado por el paso del tiempo, pero es una bonita estampa

Helen said...

I always love your old barn photography, Bill!