Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A place of many wonders...



Elephant's Child said...

Thank you.


Ese tronco del árbol, parece la cabeza de un ave, con el pico abierto y el ojo pendiente de todo lo que pasa en el bosque.
Un abrazo.

roentare said...

The soft whirly vibe is so good

joaquín said...

Muy buena edición Bill

Taken For Granted said...

Great shapes as dead trees return to their basic elements.

Luis Serrano said...

Y entre todas ellas esta que nos presentas hoy.

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Un alien saliendo de la faz de la tierra. Muy bien visto, Bill.
Un abrazo.

Ananka said...

That is amazing, there is so much to look at. Isn't nature a wonderful thing. I really love seeing trees and logs and branches that looks like other things. I am seeing a goat. The little hole on left of it looks like they eye and the top his horns. If that makes sense haha! :-D

Strayer said...

Where were you to get this interesting character study of the woods?

Margaret D said...

Looks good. Many trees blown down with the wind in Tasmania, mainly in the north - big winds.

Rose said...

I know I would want to take that home...