Monday, September 9, 2024

Paddling a canoe around Silver Lake in the early evening seems like a good idea...


Elephant's Child said...

It sounds like an excellent idea to me - and looks it too.

roentare said...

This is such a peaceful and calm lake to be canoeing


La belleza del lago, la puedes seguir descubriendo, subido a la canoa.
De momento la fotografía que has captado, me parece magnífica.
Un abrazo.

Helen said...

Fascinating light. Mood lifting.

Taken For Granted said...

I must agree with you. Being out on the water is always a pleasure. Lovely blue colors in your photo.

Linda W. said...

I'd say it was a great idea! Beautiful views.

Ildefonso Robledo said...

Un bello lugar que transmite una gran paz y sosiego.

joaquín said...

Debe ser una delicia navegar por esas aguas

Ananka said...

That looks amazing. Lovely lake. I used to canoe but kept falling in the water!

Pierre Carrive said...

J'aime cette image, la lumière sur les kayaks colorés, la tranquillité du lac, la géométrie de l'embarcadère, tout apaise.

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Con ese paisaje siempre será una buena idea y además una ideal saludable, mente sana y cuerpo sano.
Crucial night for the US and the world. I hope it goes well. Good night and good luck.
Un abrazo.

Margaret D said...

Gret idea if warm and calm as the photo show. Lovely there by the look of it.

Rose said...

Oh, this is so serene. I think just sitting still there sounds like a wonderful idea, too.

Strayer said...

Did you do it? Go out in a canoe?