Monday, May 20, 2024

Looking across the wetlands and Silver lake, Mt. ST. Helens still stands above everything.



Elephant's Child said...

That it does. Beautifully. And it is so green at the moment. Glorious.

Luis Serrano said...

Un maravilloso y espectacular recorrido visual. Me gusta ese primer plano por el que se cuela la mirada.
Un abrazo

joaquín said...

Qué bien enmarcada

Strayer said...

That's so beautiful, looks to have come out of some movie about an exotic uninhabited island.

Gardens at Waters East said...

A really beautiful photo. I visited there just before the volcano erupted. thanks for the photo and my memories.

Helen said...

Absolutely stunning! So many layers of beauty!

Mikael Bergman said...

Very good photo

Sandi said...


Rose said...

That is such a fantastic view. Sometimes words are inadequate.

Margaret D said...

That scene is wonderful. Well done.

Marie Smith said...

Gorgeous view beautifully captured!