Thursday, May 21, 2015

When I grow up...

...I want to live in a lighthouse


Marty said...

it's funny that you show a lighthouse today, because my painting is a harbour with a lightouse on the right !
but I'm happy that you saw something other ! it's abstract and you can imagine what you want ! thank you for your nice comments Bill !
I enjoy your blog and photos very much

Bob Bushell said...

And do I, fantastic lighthouse.

Stephanie said...

Lovely lighthouse. I am a huge fan of them.

Anonymous said...

That is a gorgeous shot.

orvokki said...

Me too ...
Really lovely grown-up-idea and beautiful photo.

Smareis said...

Essa imagem é de encher os olhos de alegria. Um lindo farol. Parabéns pela beleza da imagem!

Estou seguindo!
Uma boa semana!