Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Once there were railroad tracks there...

... and a water-driven grist mill on the other side.  A huge wooden grain elevator from more than 100 years ago.


Andy said...

What a treasured gem from the past.

orvokki said...

At the old times the buildings were built to withstand.

Elephant's Child said...

orvokki is right. Our ancestors the world over knew how to build.

Marty said...

I love this Bill, remembers me moovies, westerns !

Taken For Granted said...

These ancient grain elevators are quickly disappearing from the midwest as railroad track disappear. Use to be almost every small town had one, but they are mostly gone now..

Spare Parts and Pics said...

How amazing! Beautiful photo, and I think I would be coming back to photograph this location frequently. I'm curious to know if this is abandoned and you can explore at will?

joaquín said...

Estupendo ese tono amarillento de la imagen que refuerza la sensación de antigüedad

Rose said...

I wonder how long it has stood there...and also wonder when it's last day of operation was.

Miguel García said...

Una fotografía que, al artístico, une un gran interés etnográfico.
Un saludo,

Rose said...

Did you notice I am already to where I began following you? And I stll love so many...I know I sometimes feel like a recording saying I love this...or that. But I really do.