Saturday, May 23, 2020

Foxglove (Digitalis) Always wonderful to find...


Luis Serrano said...

La primavera no falta a su cita.
Un abrazo Bill.

Elephant's Child said...

Truly beautiful, albeit dangerous.

joaquín said...

Es cierto que siempre alegra verla

Margaret D said...

Pretty flower but of course we know to beware.

Andy said...

...and always wonderful to look at.

Mikael Bergman said...

It is very beautiful

Antonio Rodriguez said...

Una bella flor que es frecuente ver de manera silvestre.
Un abrazo y cuidate.

Rose said...

I always think they are so beautiful...

Ildefonso Robledo said...

Muy bella captura. Todo un canto para los sentidos
Un abrazo

Babzy.B said...

Love these flowers 😀