Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A special place made even more so by the morning light...


Elephant's Child said...

Very special.
Thank you.

Bob Bushell said...

Love it.

Margaret D said...

You did well as always.

Helen said...

Although a trail, the setting looks perfect for camping and being on the spot for sunrise.

Rose said...

Feels like a mystery should be involved!

joaquín said...

Nuevamente un rincón maravilloso

Luis Serrano said...

Una luz que parece filtrada, tamizada, para que el camino quede solo brevemente iluminado y así, seguirlo sea toda una aventura.
Preciosa foto Bill.
Un abrazo

Taken For Granted said...

That is fine morning light. Love the subtle colors it provides.

Mikael Bergman said...

A wonderful picture
Beautiful light in it

Maria Politopoulou said...

Wonderful photos! A unique approach to light and space! Greetings from Greece!