Friday, June 5, 2020

Lighting the way...


Elephant's Child said...

How I would love to be there...

Rose said...

This is so apoealing.

Andy said...

"The Light in the Forest"... Good book and good Disney movie.

joaquín said...


Antonio Rodriguez said...

Precioso lugar como el de un bosque encantado.
Un abrazo y cuidate.

Luis Serrano said...

Un camino oscuro que se ilumina un poco gracias a esos rayos de sol que permitenm adentrarse por el.
Un abrazo Bill

Helen said...

Walking under a canopy of trees, in dappled light, is so soothing.

Margaret D said...

Lovely peaceful path to somewhere.

Mikael Bergman said...

A beautiful light

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Utter serenity! ❤️