Wednesday, June 16, 2021

A very long time ago, this part of the wetlands walk was a log train right of way. Now it's a wonderful place to take a walk in the sunlight.



Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Uma maravilha este caminho.
Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

Germán Ibarra Zorrilla said...

Fantástica toma, me ha gustado mucho.

Elephant's Child said...

It is very, very beautiful now. Love the wildflowers too.

Andy said...

Same thing happening here. Old railway right of ways have been turned into trails like this one.

Ana Manotas Cascos said...

Preciosa entrada y magnifica foto. Un abrazo.

Ananka said...

It looks like an amazing walk :-D

joaquín said...

Sin duda que es un lugar maravilloso

Taken For Granted said...

It is a wonderful use of the land when abandoned rail lines become bike and walking trails. Some states have done a better job than others with these conversions.

Antonio Rodriguez said...

El progreso cede terreno a la naturaleza, gana la naturaleza. Aquí también muchas vías ferroviarias abandonadas se han convertido en caminos para practicar el senderismo. La foto es muy bella.
Un abrazo y cuidate.

Helen said...

Glorious, lush beauty!

Margaret D said...

Magical and would love to walk through there to see what's around the bend.