Saturday, June 12, 2021

The ospreys built their nest in the middle of the tugboat docks-- Look closely and you'll see that a small tree has sprouted out of the nest. Things grow everywhere around here!



Elephant's Child said...

What an incredible tribute to the tenacity of life.

Andy said...

I am sure that it was the lady of the nest that had the tree setup.

Bob Bushell said...

Yes, I caught it, mighty fine. the Osprey are makes the picture.

Ananka said...

Haha I see the tree! How cool :-D

Granny Annie said...

I have watched the Osprey's return to Tabor's blog, Room Without Walls, each year. This year the geese took over her Osprey's nest.

Ildefonso Robledo said...

Muy buena escena, amigo. Bien captada

Taken For Granted said...

Perhaps the Osprey planted the tree to provide shade for its nest?

Antonio Rodriguez said...

La vida renace en los lugares mas insospechados. Ese árbol cuando crezca le dará buena sombra al polluelo.
Un abrazo y cuídate.

Helen said...

It is amazing where plants will grow by themselves, but if we wanted them to grow there, there wouldn't be a chance!

Margaret D said...

The women of house has been getting it in order, how magical is that tree.