Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Colors can disappear in wintry weather...



Elephant's Child said...

There is still colour there - it is just subtler. Still very beautiful though.

Luis Serrano said...

Desde luego no es un blanco y negro. Se aprecia color yel paisaje es hermoso y lleno de atractivo. Abrazo

Andy said...

I just can't imagine a world without colour.

Rose said...

Another beautiful image...

Sandi said...


Taken For Granted said...

This is a perfect season for black and white photography. There isn't much color out there anyway.

Pierre Carrive said...

Et la nuit s'éclaircit!

joaquín said...

Muy bonita

Mikael Bergman said...

Looks very beautiful

Antonio Rodriguez said...

El otoñó es la estación del color y el invierno es la del blanco y la desaturacion del color, pero no por eso deja de ser bello.
Un abrazo y cuidate.

Helen said...

Crisp, clear and beautiful foreground!
Misty snowy background full of mystery.