Sunday, July 17, 2022

One of my favorite subjects: another stately abandoned home in North Central Oregon--- It was always a pleasure to see it and to stop and take a picture or two. I love the cow in this shot.

Sharing today with Mersad's Through My Lens

Hey everyone:  I made a startling discovery last night--  there were well over a hundred comments from familiar blogging friends had been trapped in the spam filter since the beginning of April of this year.  I freed them all from captivity and will be checking my spam filter on a daily basis.  I found 3 more today.  Some comments from each person got through OK, and some were locked in spam jail.  I have no idea why.  I had no problem before April of 2022.  I suggest you check your spam filter often.  



En sus buenos tiempos, tuvo que ser una gran casa. con el estado de abandono, cada vez se irá deteriorando más.
Muy oportuna la llegada de ese ejemplar del ganado, ha sido un buen elemento, para la composición de la escena.
También reviso diariamente los comentarios en mi blog y siempre encuentros comentarios que no se han publicado y están en la lista de spam.
Que tengas una buena semana.

Elephant's Child said...

Blogger's blessed spam filter is beyond a joke. I now check the spam folder daily.
This must have been an impressive home in its day - and it is still beautiful.

roentare said...

I love the buildings with history. The rustic weatherboards do look retro in a way. I am a fan of urban exploration too.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I am always fascinated by abandoned once-loved homes like this one. And I always wonder what happened to the family who lived there. Your lovely picture has a story behind it for sure! Good tip about checking the spam box!

Fun60 said...

I have also recently found comments in the spam folder. Unlike you I don't know how to release them. The abandoned property is large and sad looking without a purpose.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Excelente trabalho.
Um abraço e boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I have had the same problem with the spam filter randomly filtering comments from people I know and have published for years, so I check daily now.

This is an interesting house. It's sad it could not be utilized in the past and left abandoned.

Taken For Granted said...

Abandoned houses are sad to see as they tell a story of dreams lost, died, or failed. Only a wondering cow is left.

joaquín said...

Esta casa siempre me recuerda a psicosis.
(No eres el único al que le está ocurriendo lo del spam)

Red said...

Many of the houses from that age were bought from a "catalog" Look around and you'll see many houses that are the same.

Luis Serrano said...

Me llama sobre todo, la atención la perfecta línea diagonal del terreno en segundo plano y esa fabulosa repetición que componen las maderas en la fachada de la casa. El color es una maravilla Bill. Me encanta. Gracias por la advertencia en cuanto al spam. Un abrazo

Mikael Bergman said...

A very beautiful house once upon a time
Wonderful that it can remain even today

Ildefonso Robledo said...

Magnifica imagen, amigo...
Sobre el asunto del spam, a mí me viene pasando lo mismo. Desconozco las causas...

Margaret D said...

Lovely capture of the old house. So many abandoned buildings in this world.

I've been checking my 'spam' since returning from holiday's. I'm also told that some people can't comment on blogs at all! So that's interesting but I can blog on theirs. I'm glad you found those comments.

Babzy.B said...

Must have been a beautiful house !