Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Rain and snow in the mountains-- Coldwater peak finds a hole in the clouds.



Pierre Carrive said...

Magnifique. On s'attend à voir surgir du brouillard une silhouette qui lentement s'avance...

Elephant's Child said...

Finds a hole, or makes a hole in the clouds?

Andy said...

Very impressive view.

Margaret D said...

That's a delight to see.

Floralie said...

Hello Bill,
Cette montagne avec le brouillard est fabuleuse
Bonne journée

jesus alvarez said...

Muy bonita fotografia, excelente la atmósfera, enhorabuena,saludos desde España.

joaquín said...

Qué buena

Taken For Granted said...

An amazing photo of this mountain surrounded by clouds. Bill, you were there at just the right time.

Mikael Bergman said...

A wonderful picture

Antonio Rodriguez said...

Que bonita. La poca luz y las nubes bajas le dan un toque de misterio a la foto y con el pico Coldwater intentando zafarse de las nubes.
Un abrazo.

roentare said...

That mist is superb! What a great mountainscape

kwarkito said...

it could be wurthering highs... The picture is wonderful