Fly free - but come back again too. Please.
Birds of a feather flock together. They always seem to know where they are going.
Watching birds fly is always fun. It’s hard to get an in-flight… mae at
I have been seeing many flocks of geese recently, but since we have no snow cover they have been staying here and feeding in farmer's fields.
Buena imagen
A grand day for it!
Se cerca el invierno y las aves migran a territorios más propicios. Un abrazo.
What a formation!
Stunning shot!
Un vuelo buscando nuevos lugares en los que aposentarse.
That looks good, all flying as they wish I presume.
En busca de otras latitudes, donde no exista el frío.
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Fly free - but come back again too. Please.
Birds of a feather flock together. They always seem to know where they are going.
Watching birds fly is always fun. It’s hard to get an in-flight closeup.
best… mae at
I have been seeing many flocks of geese recently, but since we have no snow cover they have been staying here and feeding in farmer's fields.
Buena imagen
A grand day for it!
Se cerca el invierno y las aves migran a territorios más propicios.
Un abrazo.
What a formation!
Stunning shot!
Un vuelo buscando nuevos lugares en los que aposentarse.
That looks good, all flying as they wish I presume.
En busca de otras latitudes, donde no exista el frío.
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