Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A beautiful spot on Olequa Creek...



Elephant's Child said...

Very, very beautiful.

Luis Serrano said...

Un buen lugar para el reposo y el gozo del silencio. Solo el sonido del correr del agua. Me encantan estos lugares.

roentare said...

So poetic and dreamy. Love this style

Margaret D said...

That is such a pretty scene, and I do like the blue sky peeking through the trees there.

Floralie said...

Hello Bill,
Un très ytès bel endroit c'est magnifique !
Bonne journée

Rose said...

I so would love to be a kid again and be there! It is beautiful and reminds me of how we played in the creek most days.

Strayer said...

That looks sublime!

Linda W. said...

I love all the green!

joaquín said...

Transmite frescor

Mikael Bergman said...

Incredibly beautiful place

Helen said...

A perfect, peaceful spot to sit and listen to the little stream gurgling past.

Taken For Granted said...

That is a beautiful spot, and it is well photographed.

Pierre Carrive said...

Un bel endroit, y faire une halte avec quelques amis et raconter des histoires, en prenant son temps...