Friday, May 31, 2024

Make yourself at home...



Helen said...

"I don't mind if I do!"

Margaret D said...

That is ever so sweet.

Mikael Bergman said...

so beautiful

Rose said...

She must feel safe...she sure is beautiful.

Elephant's Child said...

She is gorgeous - and I suspect very welcome.

roentare said...

She is certainly at peace

Luis Serrano said...

No parece que esté estresado, desde luego. Que bello animal feliz en su entorno.
Un abrazo
Te dejé una breve explicación a tu comentario

Taken For Granted said...

That deer must know you and realize you are not a threat to be so relaxed.

joaquín said...

Qué tranquilo

Sandi said...

She looks like a mommy to be...

Ildefonso Robledo said...

Muy bella y serena imagen, amigo.


Tranquilo y descansando, en un entorno precioso, mira con curiosidad a la persona que le echa la fotografía.

Feliz domingo.

Strayer said...


Linda W. said...

Cute! Great sighting.

Germán Ibarra Zorrilla said...
