Saturday, June 15, 2024

Another bridge-- still no trolls.



Elephant's Child said...

Perhaps you need to be there at night?
A gorgeous bridge though.

Luis Serrano said...

Bien aprovechada la poco luz. Una zona sombría donde pueden habitar los trolls. Ojo Bill

Mikael Bergman said...

It is beautifully located there in the forest

Floralie said...

Hello Bill,
Il est agréable à voir ce pont :-)
Merci pour la photo
Bon dimanche

Linda W. said...

Love this mossy old bridge. And the forest surrounding it is beautiful too!

joaquín said...

¡Precioso! (incluso sin trolls)

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Pues por este puente me da la impresión que algún troll si que ha pasado. Pero resite el paso del tiempo.
Un abrazo.

Sandi said...

Oh, wow!

roentare said...

It feels a few trolls in there would make a perfect picture too

Rose said...

That looks so cool and shady...looks like it would feel so good on a hot, humid day.

Margaret D said...

Very nice. Maybe they be in the next bridge.