Thursday, June 13, 2024




kwarkito said...

Quelle merveilleuse photo ! la lumière et les couleurs sont magnifiques. C'est si beau, si poétique, si émouvant en même temps, cette pure splendeur de la nature

Elephant's Child said...

What a beauty. I hope it is joined by many more.

roentare said...

Refreshingly standing out in the middle

Margaret D said...

Beautiful flower is the waterlily...a nice capture and artwork.

Rose said...

It looks lonely...but its beauty seems more intense since it is by itself.

Taken For Granted said...

The Water Lilly is such a beautiful flower rising from the murky depths of the pond. Great shot, Bill.

Linda W. said...

What a lovely find!

joaquín said...

Como un cuadro de Monet

Sandi said...

Wow! ...Is that a turtle?

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Muy bella imagen. El nenufar solitario entre las hojas hacen un excelente contraste.
Un abrazo.

Strayer said...

Out of the dark waters----a spot of beauty arises.

Helen said...

The water lily replied, "Hello back to you Bill. I am enjoying the sunshine on my face."

Luis Serrano said...

La belleza en su más alta expresión y con tan poco.
Abrazo Bill