Sunday, June 23, 2024

Most of the water flowers in the Silver Lake Wetlands are Yellow Pond Lilies, but the White Water Lilies really light up the place when you can find them.



Mikael Bergman said...

they are wonderful to see

Elephant's Child said...

And make a stunning photo too.

Luis Serrano said...

Un lugar privilegiado donde poder descubrir este tipo de estanques con esas flores que son pura belleza.
Un abrazo Bill.

roentare said...

Yellow and white lilies are both looking fantastic

Rose said...

They are so beautiful!

Margaret D said...

These are pretty.

Granny Annie said...

This image is in my memory somewhere...don't remember but love seeing it today.

joaquín said...

Preciosos Bill

Strayer said...

They're beautiful!

Taken For Granted said...

Ah yes, the wetland has come to life, and the white waterlilies look great.

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Realmente los nenúfares blancos dan luz a la fotografía. Una bella fotografía.
Un abrazo.

Sandi said...

Very nice!

Maria Rodrigues said...

Water lilies are beautiful flowers.
Wonderful photo!