Thursday, June 27, 2024

With buds peeking out, one wild rose is showing its beauty!



Luis Serrano said...

Aún es tiempo de este tipo de brotes. La Naturaleza es pura magia.

roentare said...

That looks really well rendered. The colour is charming

Rose said...

That is a beauty...back in the 80s I had a jacket about that exact shade of pink.

Sandi said...


joaquín said...

Buen contraste de colores

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Una gran belleza que se ve incrementada por el contrates con los colores del fondo.
Un abrazo.

Miradas desde mi lente said...

La primera que ha abierto y acapara todas las atenciones. Compruebo que la planta tienes muchos capullos, que no tardarán en abrir.

Que tengas un buen fin de semana.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

In all its glory. Beautiful photo!

Helen said...

And so many buds waiting to burst open!
Wild things!

Margaret D said...

looking lovely and more to come out it seems.