Sunday, July 21, 2024

Bright and cheerful wildflowers and grass always find a way to grow-- even on top of these old pilings in the Columbia River.



Elephant's Child said...

Beautiful. And no shortage of water.

Luis Serrano said...

Una buena foto que nos muestra cómo la Naturaleza es
fuerte y se manifiesta siempre en cualquier lugar.

Margaret D said...

That's a pretty photo and yes, it will go anywhere if it wants to.

Rose said...

What a beautiful little scene.

Taken For Granted said...

Nature continues to amaze us. What wonderful light in your photo which once again demonstrates that photography is all about the light.

joaquín said...

La vida siempre encuentra el camino. Preciosa foto Bill


Con la buena humedad y el sustento de la tierra, lucen esplendorosas.
Un abrazo.

Ananka said...

Good to see the wildflowers growing. Great shot :-D

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

La foto es muy bella y la naturaleza muy sabia. Se desarrolla donde no se la molesta.
Un abrazo.

Mikael Bergman said...

Very beautiful

Yvonne said...

This is amazing and quite beautiful.