Monday, July 15, 2024

I'm not sure that old Mr. Blue is glad to see us.



Elephant's Child said...

He certainly seems to be giving you the evil eye Lovely bird and setting though.

roentare said...

It is enjoying the sunshine

Taken For Granted said...

What a gorgeous photo of this Heron in a perfect environment. I'm sure he is well fed.

Strayer said...

Mr. Blue looks highly concentrated on task at hand. What a beautiful portrait you captured of him in his home.

joaquín said...

Me encanta el color Bill

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Estando en un rincón tan bello, cualquier injerencia no sería deseada. Pero tu has conseguido una bella fotografía
Un abrazo.


Ha detectado la figura humana y desconfía de ella.
Me gusta el color de esas azuladas aguas, contratando con los juncos verdes,
Un abrazo.

Ananka said...

What a beautiful Heron. Great shot :-D

Mikael Bergman said...

Very beautiful photo

Margaret D said...

It's a nice capture. Lovely colours there.

Rose said...

I would be glad to.see him!

Helen said...

A wonderful image, Bill!

kwarkito said...

splendid !