Friday, July 12, 2024

We've had unusually hot weather for a number of days, and at least another week to come.



roentare said...

Despite the heat, the scenery is still pretty green. Beautiful scenery

Margaret D said...

At least you won't be able to say you didn't have summer.
Keep cool.
Love the photo, landscape is very pretty.

Elephant's Child said...

I hope your heat isn't too oppressive - and agree with roentare.

Rose said...

Wondering if this is an early morning view or late evening? Either way, I like it.


El calor es agobiante en mi ciudad. Acabo de escribirte un mensaje a tu correo electrónico, por si quieres tener en cuenta, lo que he obaservado en tu blog.
Es una cuestión, que a veces no te das cuenta y yo ya he pasado por la misma situación.
Perdona las molestias.

Taken For Granted said...

Wonderful landscape photo with the wetland in the foreground and mountains in the background. I fear you will have to get used to the heat. Last year was the hottest on record, and this trend will continue. We may all be doomed, and one Presidential candidate does not believe in the climate crisis.

Ananka said...

It looks gorgeous :-D A nice place to relax and think :-D

joaquín said...

Y aun hay quien lo niega

Strayer said...

We cooked down here for five days at over 100. I hope you don't get that hot. Beautiful scenery nonetheless.

Helen said...

A calming scene as the sun sets after a hot day.
Another mood of Mt St Helens.

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Es lo que tiene el verano y además los humanos nos empeñamos en contribuir a incrementar el cambio climático. La parte buena es que el calor agosta los campos y tu fotografía tiene unos bellos reflejos dorados.
Un abrazo.

Pierre Carrive said...

Un peu d'eau sur le visage pour regarder le paysage. Toujours magnifiques ces photos de votre pays!