Saturday, August 17, 2024

Coldwater Peak in the spotlight of the early evening sun. Minnie Peak, far left, is in the shadows.



Elephant's Child said...

Stark and beautiful.

Miradas desde mi lente said...

Buen contraste, entre la sombra y la luz, en esas bellas montañas.
Un abrazo.

Rose said...

It looks like a lonely place.

Taken For Granted said...

Bill, you caught the sun lighting up the important part of your landscape portrait. You have great timing.

joaquín said...

Qué árido!

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Bello paraje a pesar de su aridez con un buen contraste de color.
Un abrazo.

Ananka said...

Stunning and beautiful. Loving the sky too :-D

Helen said...

That's a very different scene of this area, compared to the usual. i love the clouds.

Luis Serrano said...

Tres alturas a cual más bella. Parece un paisaje de aquellos de los films del oeste americano

Strayer said...

I'll have to look up where that is.

Margaret D said...

That's very nice I must say.