Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Mt. St. Helens caldera shows up nicely with the bit of snow. Elk Rock is the pointy thing on the right.


Sharing today with Mersad's Through My Lens


Elephant's Child said...

Snow already or snow still? It does show up the caldera well.

roentare said...

The cloudscape is so special in this frame

Rose said...

I so love the sky in this photo.

Strayer said...

The caldera is lovely with its dusting. But how did you get such a photo? You seem to be high as the caldera edge.

Linda W. said...

Nice to see the mountain with a dusting of snow.

Maria Rodrigues said...

Imposing mountains.
Stunning landscape!

Taken For Granted said...

Bill, another stunning landscape. The snow really sets off the mountain. My son who lives in Colorado, says there isn't any snow yet on the 14K foot mountain peaks around him. But it won't be long now.

Floralie said...

Hello Bill,
J'aime beaucoup les montagnes enneigées même si il y a pas beaucoup de neige :-)
Belle après-midi et belle semaine

Margaret D said...

Very beautiful.

joaquín said...

Me encantan esos paisajes tan grandes

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Un bello paisaje donde destacan esas nubes blancas.
Un abrazo

Ananka said...

Stunning photo :-D


La nieve blanca esa un gran contraste con los colores de la montaña y le da una gran vistosidad, junto a las nubes blancas que aparecen en el cielo.

Mikael Bergman said...

What a lovely view