Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Very tall trees!



Elephant's Child said...

Very, very tall. An amazing perspective.

Rose said...

I dont think I could ever have climbed that tree!

Taken For Granted said...

These trees are reaching for the sunlight they love. If I were to paint them, they would be happy trees.

Ananka said...

Gorgeous view of these tree Bill. I've started looking up and taking photos like this too! :-D

Strayer said...

I love the up the trunk to sky perspective. Makes me feel little among the giant trees, and I wonder how it is to be rooted in their neighborhood. No moving around. What if they don't like their nearest neighbor.

joaquín said...

buena perspectiva

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Altísimos. Cuesta trabajo mirar la copa. Buen contrapicado.
Un abrazo.


Muchos años les habrás costado, llegar hasta tan alto.
Un abrazo.

Luis Serrano said...

Buen punto de vista con el que queda clara la enorme altura de estos árboles. Abrazo Bill