Wednesday, November 6, 2024

A beautiful fall day at the park-- for a doggie, it's FREEDOM!



Margaret D said...

Freedom indeed, and they do so enjoy running freely.

Floralie said...

Il est vraiment heureux ce chien avec toutes ces feuilles au sol :)

Rose said...

He looks like he has the zoomies... if it is a he.

Ananka said...

Good to see him running about having fun and loving the leaves :-D Great shot Bill :-D

Taken For Granted said...

That dog is enjoying his time in the park. Your photo captures pure joy.

Elephant's Child said...

You have captured that exurberance soooo well.

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Se le ve muy feliz correando. Me recuerda a mi perrito que es muy activo y disfruta enormemente corriendo por el campo.
Un abrazo.

Helen said...

Oh, the look of freedom on his face. I too would love to be running and crunching the leaves.