Sunday, December 1, 2024

A goose convention?



Floralie said...

hello Bill,
Superbe photo, on ne voit pas bien les oies mais il y en a :))

Elephant's Child said...

Something I would love to attend - which I very, very rarely say about conventions.

Luis Serrano said...

Parece que quedaron todos en verse y arreglar cuestiones que tienen que ver con sus vidas. Je je je

Ananka said...

It looks like a fun convention. I didn't get my invite though. You were lucky to get your invite Bill :-D Great photo :-D

Ana Manotas Cascos said...

Preciosa la foto Bill, un saludo.


Una buena reunión, en un precioso lugar.
Feliz domingo de descanso.

Helen said...

Sooooo many! They look so small in this capture. I wonder what topic was under discussion?

Taken For Granted said...

Geese gathering in preparation for their migration to warmer climates. Smart geese.

roentare said...

The sheer beauty and tranquility in the image

Strayer said...

I wonder if its only a convention put on and for a certain species of goose, or if all goose species are invited and maybe even the ducks, egrets, and swans are welcome. I don't think I'd invite the ducks. Too many too noisy.

Margaret D said...

Definitely something going on. Nice capture, beautiful light.

Rose said...

Maybe they are deciding which flight path to take.