Wednesday, December 18, 2024




Elephant's Child said...

Not a surf to swim in - unless you like getting dumped. It makes an amazing photo though.

Luis Serrano said...

Siempre me intrigó el movimiento constante del mar. Olas que rompen contra las rocas o acantilados y al tiempo entre ellas mismas.
Preciosa serie Bill.
Un abrazo

roentare said...

That is a good splash out there.

Rose said...

It is as if it is jumping for joy...

Ananka said...

Stunning wave :-D

Taken For Granted said...

This is a perfect example of the conflict between sea and shore. It seems the sea usually wins.

Miguel García said...

preciosa marina con las olas en la rompiente.
Un saludo y Feliz Navidad

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Buen detalle. Ese choque del agua y lo que parece una tremenda onda a su derecha.
Un abrazo.

Margaret D said...

I expect there is a rock there, it's a lovely shot and the sea looks deep.