Wednesday, December 25, 2024

It's a good day to remember this: No matter how dark and frightening things can seem, the world is a very big place. Even the worst people can look small next to the ocean, and most of them are very small indeed. Enjoy your friends and family-- even if they're not with you. They will always be part of you. Merry Christmas!



Elephant's Child said...

Thank you. And a very, very Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Mikael Bergman said...

An excellent photo
Merry Christmas

roentare said...

Very fitting words and a wonderful peaceful image. Thank you.

Rose said...

Merry Christmas!

ashok said...

Merry Christmas

Red said...

Merry Christmas. Awesome photo.

Miguel García said...

Feliz Navidad

Linda W. said...

Beautiful image. Merry Christmas!

Ananka said...

Well said Bill. So true. Great photo too :-D Merry Christmas and all the best :-D

Pierre Carrive said...

Une belle photo d'espoir, ce petit groupe sur la plage. Peut-être est-ce aussi nous, les uns et les autres qui communiquons par blogs interposés. Joyeux Noël Bill.

Taken For Granted said...

Bill, you put things in the correct perspective. Here's wishing you a very merry Christmas.

Helen said...

Perfect words and image, Bill. Happy Christmas.

Luis Serrano said...

Un buen consejo amigo Bill. Disfrutar de los que nos rodean y mirar el mundo como algo enorme que tiene sus propias reglas y que a fin de cuentas siempre estará ahí para hacernos la vida feliz. Solo nosotros vamos a veces en contra de las reglas y logramos maltratar aquello que nunca fue nuestro y que jamás lo será. Un abrazo

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Una reflexión que comparto, Bill. Lo importante somos las personas, los amigos, la familia. Espero que hayas pasado unas felices fiestas junto a tus seres queridos.
Un abrazo.

Strayer said...

Happy Christmas Bill!