Friday, December 27, 2024

More rain and heavy surf...



Elephant's Child said...

Dramatic and lovely. How I would like to see rain - or heavy surf.

Rose said...

Again, I am glad not to be in a boat or in an old ship with sails.

M@rie said...

Belle photo de la mer en colère.bon Week-end Marie

Taken For Granted said...

There is something compelling about watching the surf roll in. Your photo captures the power of those waves.

Ananka said...

Wild! Great shot :-D

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Muy bella, Bill. Una excelente marina con el mar revuelto y el detalle de la ola rompiendo contra la roca. Y el contraste entre la oscuridad del cielo y la blancura de la espuma del agua.
Un abrazo.

roentare said...

Ferocious splash

Luis Serrano said...

Justo el momento en el que la ola explosiona contra la roca. Pura fuerza de la Naturaleza y pura belleza congelada magistralmente .
Un abrazo Bill

Strayer said...

There are warnings out down here, to stay clear.

Helen said...

Love it!