Sunday, January 19, 2025

The BNSF locomotives are amazing to see in the twilight.



Elephant's Child said...

They are.

Luis Serrano said...

Las locomotoras tiene tanto de nostálgico, de aquella niñez en la que tanto y tanto me gustaban los trenes, que para mi son un mundo mágico.
Un abrazo

Taken For Granted said...

I've always liked the bright colors of the SF railroad, now the BNSF. Those colors really pop in your low light photo.

Red said...

You'll certainly see this beast coming.

Ananka said...

Wonderful shot Bill :-D Love the lights on this train :-D

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Las locomotoras parecen monstruos mecanizados dispuestos a arrollar todo lo que encuentran a su paso.
Un abrazo.

roentare said...

The light is subtle but dreamy

Strayer said...

There's something about trains......