Wednesday, February 19, 2025

I love the trees and the sky from this angle!



Barwitzki said...

What interesting cloud formations.
Have a happy day, Bill.

Luis Serrano said...

Que bien quedaron esas nubes enmarcadas por los árboles. El cielo es una maravilla

roentare said...

That is a wicked sort of cloud to admire

Margaret D said...

Lovely and good clouds there.

Ananka said...

Great view Bill :-D

Taken For Granted said...

Keep looking up, Bill. You often find wonderful scenes in the sky.

Joaquín said...

Los árboles parecen querer ascender al cielo

Adrasteja said...

The sky looks absolutely stunning in this photo! I really love it. There's a balance of both dynamism and calmness in it. I adore watching the sky at any time of the day.
I just followed your blog - if you’d like, feel free to check out mine too :)

Miradas desde mi lente said...

Es fascinante las nubes que has captado.
Buenas Noches.

Helen said...

Your sky is matching my sky in this image.

Ildefonso Robledo said...

Impresionante el cielo que nos brindas en esta imagen.
Un saludo, amigo.