Monday, March 24, 2025

And here comes Hermione, the Heron!



Joaquín said...

Siempre tan elegante

roentare said...

That is a liberating image. What a take off.

Elephant's Child said...

Such a beauty.

Luis Serrano said...

En un vuelo distendido y elegante al máximo.

Margaret D said...

Lovely capture. Peaceful.

Taken For Granted said...

Good thing you know all these birds by name. You must visit with them often. Always good to see these Herons in flight.

Ananka said...

She is gorgeous. Herons are so graceful in flight I think :-D

Helen said...

The flight controller is having a busy time!

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

Como destaca la garza frente a los matorrales. Da la sensación de que está buscando un lugar para aterrizar.
Un abrazo.

Strayer said...

I looked up the name Hermione. Saw the name was given to the greek messenger goddess. And used by JK Rowling. Beautiful photo as always.

Pierre Carrive said...

Majestueux. J'aime ces couleurs.

Reichelle Jones said...

Lovely photo!

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Miguel García said...

Un vuelo elegante y majestuoso perfectamente captado.
Un fuerte abrazo,