Monday, August 10, 2015

No snow, but still majestic...


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love the way the mountains are layed into the distance Bill.

Marty said...

the snow will come soon enough !!!
a beautiful shot to enjoy the summer !
happy week Bill

CountryMum said...

Majestic it certainly is.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Always like shades of colors especially the layers of blue !

Andy said...

Very majestic. There are no mountains in my little corner of the world. I get excited when I see one.

Stephanie said...

Very majestic indeed!

Anonymous said...

Just breathtaking!


Tem tudo nesta foto, Bill.
Céu, montanha, mata, água, floresta e um casal, suponho!
Fico imaginando esta imagem gigante na parede do meu quarto e vê-la todos os dias ao acordar!
Um forte abraço!