Monday, January 6, 2025

Maybe it's time for a new shed! It's a cold, wintery day in the Toledo Highlands-- lots of snow on the hills in the background.



Anaximandro said...

El cobertizo parece resistir heroicamente a las inclemencias del lugar. Ni la nieve amenazante puede con él.
Un abrazo.

roentare said...

That hut is barely standing. What a find!

Elephant's Child said...

It looks as if a strong wind will bring it down.

Margaret D said...

Looks as if a huff and a puff will blow it down. Nice picture.

Ananka said...

It sure is wonky! Surprised it is still standing!

Taken For Granted said...

That shed us leaning to the right, so it seems to be in keeping with the times.

Strayer said...

It would be more ideal for a person with one leg much shorter than the other.

Helen said...

What a contrast of straight soaring trees to the tiny leaning barn.

Antonio Rodriguuez said...

La verdad es que el cobertizo está un poco deteriorado, aunque sigue aguantando el paso del tiempo.
Un abrazo.

Luis Serrano said...

La imperiosa presencia de esos árboles son para mi lo que define la belleza de esta fotografía en la que el cobertizo se ve cómo en miniatura y desde luego, un poco deteriorado. Magnífico el primer plano que nos permite ver en la media distancia los protagonistas de la toma y la casita medio derruida y al fondo la nieve con su presencia siempre inquietante.
Magnífica foto Bill.
Un abrazo