Wednesday, January 8, 2025

These trees in the wetlands are bare except for some moss, and a big old Great Blue Heron who seems a bit out of place.



Elephant's Child said...

I suspect the Heron would tell you that he is in his right place where ever he happens to be.

Luis Serrano said...

Parece que la garza se ha situado en el lugar perfecto para dejarse ver y atraer todas las miradas. El invierno es duro con los árboles.

Sandi said...

He looks foreboding, but he thinks he is beautiful.

Ananka said...

Great shot of the Heron. I have only seen a Heron up a tree once, always in the water usually. :-D

roentare said...

What a wonderful scene. The light blue casts a good tone

Margaret D said...

A fair bit of moss there on the tree, maybe the bird is resting.

Strayer said...

I hope the Heron is finding enough to eat.